new RV park, who dis? (and a Sunshine Blogger Award!)
HELLO! I always seem to get distracted and overly busy when we are in our home state of Ohio, and the past few months were no exception! Last Thursday Joel received word that he would be starting a new contract job near Tyler, TX on TUESDAY. That’s right, just a few days away! That’s always how these contract jobs go, so with as little anxiety about the rushed trip (and way rushed trying to say goodbye to all our peeps and prepping the RV etc) we made our way south over Labor Day weekend. We are settling in to our new area okay, we’ve already did a little driving around to check out the surrounding towns and so far we think we will have plenty to do while we are here! I’ve definitely missed blogging consistently and am looking forward to sharing some awesome stuff with you coming up such as: a new venture for me (!?), Letters From a GOOD Friend turning 1, our adventures around East TX, RV projects updates, and more!!
on the road again....
On a side note, yesterday I turned 28 YEARS OLD!!! It was a very weird birthday, spent treating myself to a pedicure and lunch while Joel was at work, but it was just didn’t really feel like my birthday being alone all day! All in all it was a great day though, I also spent time at the pool and hanging with the pups, and we shared Nothing Bundt Cake bundlets after dinner! YUM! After talking to my 80-something year old great aunt about it, we decided 28 isn’t THAT old (haha!) but gosh it feels strange! It’s so funny to think about what my teenage-self, and even my early-20s-self thought my life would be like when I was in my “late 20’s” (although just FYI, I’m going to claim “mid-20’s” until about my “mid 30’s) I’m definitely not living the life I THOUGHT I would be, but man is it a great life that I wouldn’t trade for anything!
The boys are like: "As long as you take our couch, we can live anywhere, Mom!"
Anywho! I wanted to share about the Sunshine Blogger Award that I was nominated for! The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who they admire and are inspired by! The super sweet Dedra over at Dedra Writes nominated me and I couldn’t be more honored! If you remember, Dedra wrote a guest blog post in July about her trip to Amelia Island (check it out HERE) I have so enjoyed getting to know Dedra and reading her blog! I absolutely love her style of writing and always look forward to her posts. She’s a Texan which I feel like I can relate to a LITTLE, and she has some crazy cute pups that star on her Instagram from time to time! I hope you will go check out Dedra’s blog if you haven’t already! Thank you Dedra for the nomination! Dedra’s fun questions are below! (I was also nominated for something similar by Carissa from the MRSing Link! Thanks Carissa!)
-Coffee or tea and how do you take yours?
Both! Tea: SWEET Coffee: It’s more like I take my creamer with a little bit of coffee (;
-When you were little, did you want to be a writer?
Hm… I don’t believe so. I mostly wanted to be an astronaut! There was a period of time that I was determined to be a reporter because I realized (through a tough family experience) that the news doesn’t always portray the whole truth.
-What is the hardest aspect of blogging to you?
I think the hardest part is just being willing to put yourself out there and hoping that people will want to hear what you have to say! I’m not an overly confident person, and I can be pretty hard on myself at times.
-Describe your desk and what is on it.
WELL. Curently my desk is the dining room table, and there are birthday gift remnants, chargers, and essential oils. But other times my “desk” would be at the couch, outside, a public place with internet access… just depends on the day (:
-Where is the weirdest place you have written?
Hm….. Maybe traveling down some highway?
-Dog or cat person? Or neither or both?
If you are reading this and don’t know the answer to that, you have not been around too long! HAHA! DOG PERSON HANDS DOWN. My dogs are my babies, my best buddies, and my daily companions! Cats are okay I guess, but I’m pretty sure I am allergic to them (my mom will laugh at that, but I really think I am!) plus I am not down for litter-box cleaning.
-Where are you going on vacation next?
Well that’s kind of a secret (: Somewhere that I would go back to in a heartbeat though would be Harry Potter World at Universal Studios! That was just the coolest experience ever! (click HERE to read about our day there!)
-What is your perfect temperature outside and why?
Whatever temperature is pool weather, that’s my favorite.
-Do you prefer blue or black ink? Or another color?
-What is your favorite flower? Have you ever written about it?
My favorite flower would have to be daisies because they are my mom’s favorite flower! Nope I have never written about it!
-Milk chocolate or dark? And how often do you have it?
DARK and almost ever night (if we don’t have an actual dessert) I keep a bar of Endangered Species dark chocolate (of different varieties!) in the freezer at all times. That way I can break off a piece to satisfy my evening sweet tooth!
If another blogger nominates you for the Sunshine Award you are supposed to:
1) Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2) Answer the 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you.
3) Nominate other bloggers and give them 11 questions of your own to answer.
4) Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.
So here are my nominees! I love following all of these amazing bloggers and hope you will too! A great way to follow bloggers and stay up to date on what they’re up to is to follow them on social media, so I will share their Instagram links as well (because that’s my preferred social media outlet!) Some I have been a reader for a while, some I have just recently found and already really enjoy their work! You ladies are all rock-stars! (: One of the most fun parts of blogging has been finding these wonderful bloggers who all see the world in their own unique way, and want to share it with others! Through blogging and social media I’ve made some super sweet friends and I’m always just amazed how something so simple can bring people together from all different places and lives!
1) Liliane at My Toronto My World @mytorontomyworld
2) Alexis at A Blissful Haven @ablissfulhaven
3) Sue at the Erstwhile Acorn (find her on FB HERE)
4) Leigh at Campfires and Concierges @campfireandconcierges
If you want to play along, here are my questions for you!
1) What is something you are looking forward to in your immediate future?
2) What made you decide to start your blog?
3) Silver or gold? Any particular reason why?
4) What is your favorite space in your home?
5) What’s your favorite meal to cook on a weeknight?
6) Tell us someone in your life that you think is just really awesome, and why!
7) What is your least favorite chore to do?
8) What is a current favorite song and/or playlist?
9) What is a post on your blog that you are especially proud of?
10) Tell us about a local restaurant/coffee shop/ spot that you love and why?
11) What is your all time favorite TV show or movie?